mct injector
mct injector

mct injector

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Drošs maksājums

    • “Little, rarely and in the right place”. Dr. Michel Pistor

      Mesotherapy is a medical treatment that involves the intradermal administration of active substances through multiple micro-injections for correcting aesthetic concerns (skin aging, wrinkles, stretch marks, cellulite, alopecia, among others) or as an additional treatment for painful conditions (rheumatic disease, sports medicine, etc.).

      Its effectiveness is based on three main concepts:

      • Physical stimulation produced by the needle (mechanical stimulus).
      • Pharmacological effect produced by the solution or a specific blend of active substances.
      • Micro-doses of the solution which activate a greater number of the receptors in the skin.
      • It is a non-obtrusive procedure requiring no preparation time with the advantage that patients can immediately resume their daily activities.

      Application technique

      MCT Stats Image

      Several mesotherapy techniques

      mct injector incorporates 3 programs for the administration of active substances through different injection techniques used in traditional mesotherapy


      For burst, intradermal nappage or point by point injections. mct injector automatically adjusts the depth and speed of the needle in order to perform steady and precise movements.


      Program specially designed for point by point injections or to perform intradermal papules. With this program, professionals can freely adjust the depth (from 1 to 13 mm) and the dose (from 0.01 ml and up)


      Injection program enabling the placement of implants or fillers. It also enables tracer mesotherapy to be carried out, regulating the volume injected, the speed of retrograde injection and the injection depth.

    “Little, rarely and in the right place”. Dr. Michel Pistor

    Mesotherapy is a medical treatment that involves the intradermal administration of active substances through multiple micro-injections for correcting aesthetic concerns (skin aging, wrinkles, stretch marks, cellulite, alopecia, among others) or as an additional treatment for painful conditions (rheumatic disease, sports medicine, etc.).

    Its effectiveness is based on three main concepts:

    • Physical stimulation produced by the needle (mechanical stimulus).
    • Pharmacological effect produced by the solution or a specific blend of active substances.
    • Micro-doses of the solution which activate a greater number of the receptors in the skin.
    • It is a non-obtrusive procedure requiring no preparation time with the advantage that patients can immediately resume their daily activities.

    Application technique

    MCT Stats Image

    Several mesotherapy techniques

    mct injector incorporates 3 programs for the administration of active substances through different injection techniques used in traditional mesotherapy


    For burst, intradermal nappage or point by point injections. mct injector automatically adjusts the depth and speed of the needle in order to perform steady and precise movements.


    Program specially designed for point by point injections or to perform intradermal papules. With this program, professionals can freely adjust the depth (from 1 to 13 mm) and the dose (from 0.01 ml and up)


    Injection program enabling the placement of implants or fillers. It also enables tracer mesotherapy to be carried out, regulating the volume injected, the speed of retrograde injection and the injection depth.

    mct injektors


    Vienā ierīcē mct inžektors apvieno divas papildu metodes: mezoterapiju un karboksiterapiju. Pateicoties šo divu paņēmienu kombinācijai vienā sesijā vai alternatīvās sesijās, fizioterapeits var izmantot visu rīku, lai veiktu vairākas sejas un ķermeņa kopšanas procedūras.

    Maksimāls komforts ārstam


    Dizains abām rokām, kas ir gan viegls, gan ergonomisks. Visi piederumi ir pārnēsājami (ieskaitot CO2 kasetnes).


    Pateicoties skārienripiņam un augstas izšķirtspējas krāsu ekrānam, procedūras var ieprogrammēt dažu sekunžu laikā.


    Apstrādājamās zonas virziena apgaismojums.


    Darbojas vienādi ar akumulatoru (Li-ion) vai pieslēgtu barošanas avotam (90V - 240V).


    Savietojams ar visa veida adatām un šļircēm. Nav nepieciešams izmantot ekskluzīvu komplektu.


    Veselības aprūpes produkts ar CE marķējumu.


    divu paņēmienu kombinācija ar pierādītu efektivitāti.
    • Vairākas ķermeņa un sejas kopšanas procedūras.
    • Intuitīva, daudzpusīga un precīza tehnoloģija.
    • Vienlaicīga mikromasāža vai sekojošas injekcijas, lai uzlabotu aktīvo vielu difūziju.
    • Nesāpīgas un drošas procedūras.

    mezoterapija + karboksiterapija = mezokarboksiterapija

    Pateicoties šo divu paņēmienu kombinācijai vienā sesijā vai alternatīvās sesijās, fizioterapeits var izmantot visu rīku, lai veiktu vairākas sejas un ķermeņa kopšanas procedūras.


    Transepidermālie risinājumi, ko piedāvā mesoestetic®, ir visplašākais risinājumu klāsts transepidermālai lietošanai kombinējamu, drošu un efektīvu kosmētisko procedūru veikšanai. Preparāti ar specifiskām, atlasītām aktīvām sastāvdaļām visu veidu estētisku sejas, ķermeņa un matu problēmu ārstēšanai.