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Hair mesotherapy: what it is and how it can help you

Matu mezoterapija: kas tas ir un kā tā var jums palīdzēt

90% of alopecia is androgenic, which means that it is caused by genetic and hormonal factors. It is a common concern that can lead to a severe complex due to aesthetic factors.

There are currently various methods to stop hair loss, such as drugs, laser, hair grafts, mesotherapy, topical solutions, shampoos and dietary supplements. 

If you are not aware of hair mesotherapy as a remedy for alopecia, let us tell you some more:

What is hair mesotherapy? 

Hair mesotherapy involves microinjecting active ingredients that slow down hair loss. A physical stimulation is produced that increases the scalp's microcirculation, which enables more nutrients to reach the hair follicle. This reduces the appearance of hair loss, increases hair density and improves the scalp's hydration.

It is a medical procedure that takes approximately 30 minutes per session. No preparation is required, and patients are able to continue with their usual routine after the treatment. All they have to do is avoid covering their head with a cap/hat, exposure to humid places or direct sunlight and doing intense physical exercise after the session. 

What are the benefits of hair mesotherapy? 

Hair mesotherapy has several benefits for the hair and scalp: 

  • Hydrates the scalp
  • Stops hair loss
  • Improves hair health
  • Improves the scalp's blood circulation
  • Increases hair density
  • Strengthens hair by thickening its diameter

What active ingredients are injected during the mesotherapy session?

In order to stop hair loss by means of hair mesotherapy, the mesohyal range by mesoestetic® offers a series of cocktails with active ingredients including hyaluronic acid, amino acids, vitamins, coenzymes and mineral salts that stimulate cellular regeneration and revitalise the scalp

Before and after results: hair mesotherapy

hair mesotherapy before and after
hair mesotherapy before and after

In the clinical assessment of the results obtained from the photographic record using the TrichoScope system, a 25% to 28% increase in average hair density was observed. An 80% of customer satisfaction was also obtained, in addition to a 93% reduction of hair loss. The treatment was carried out with mesohyal  NCTC-109 and mesohyal™ biotin.

Are you interested in this treatment?

Contact our professionals to get a personalized diagnosis.

How many hair mesotherapy sessions are needed? 

Although it depends on the person and the severity of their diagnosis, around 10 sessions are usually needed, which are spaced over 15 days.   

How long do the results of hair mesotherapy last? 

They usually last around one year, but maintenance sessions can be taken to extend the results. 

Does hair mesotherapy hurt? 

The procedure is not painful, although it may be uncomfortable. It depends on each person's sensitivity.

What home products help to stop hair loss? 

In addition to the medical treatments aimed at stopping hair loss, there are topical solutions, such as shampoos and lotions, that have been proven to be effective in treating androgenic alopecia. 

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