The Cosmetologist Recommends: Cosmelan® Procedure for the Elimination of Pigmentation Spots

The Cosmetologist Recommends: Cosmelan® Procedure for the Elimination of Pigmentation Spots

Even in our seemingly dark and chilly climate, people suffer from pigmentation spots. Dermatologists tirelessly recommend avoiding the sun's ultraviolet radiation and other factors that affect skin health and appearance. Anita Puļķe, a cosmetologist at the "Veselības Centrs 4" branch "Anti-Aging Institute," explains what to do with existing aesthetic problems.

Cosmelan® is a local method for preventing hyperpigmentation by reducing melanin overproduction and limiting the occurrence of new pigmentation spots in the long term. "Mesoestetic" has created a patented innovative program for depigmentation therapy, which is successful and continuously refined in collaboration with recognized scientists and dermatologists in the industry.

Cosmelan® Indications:

  • All types of hyperpigmentation,
  • Hormone-dependent pigmentation (following pregnancy, during the use of oral contraceptives, hormonal changes associated with aging, menopause). Often, patients also want to lighten summer freckles to achieve a uniform skin tone.

Cosmelan® Procedure Process: The Cosmelan® treatment course lasts six months. The procedure is performed in a clinic, after which the client uses prescribed skin care products at home. During the first consultation, the specialist carefully collects anamnesis, examines the skin, and prepares it for the procedures. If there are contraindications, they are communicated to the client, explaining all the nuances that must be observed during the treatment course.

Afterward, the client receives three Cosmelan® products for home skin care:

  • A product for preventing hyperpigmentation (contains active ingredients, retinol, fruit acids, etc.),
  • A product for preventing side effects and complications that may individually occur depending on the skin condition and type (redness, skin flaking, tight sensation, etc.),
  • A product with sun protection factor SPF 130.

The interaction of the products ensures:

  • High depigmentation effectiveness,
  • Comfort during therapy,
  • Low risk of repigmentation.

The specialist explains how to use the products, in what order, what to consider, and what changes to make during therapy. To provide answers to all questions that arise during the therapy process, the specialist is available for communication with the client throughout the six months.

Cosmelan® Procedures are Divided into Four Stages:

  • Intense depigmentation (performed by a specialist in the clinic);
  • Prolonged depigmentation (performed by the patient, using home care products under the supervision of a specialist);
  • Hyperpigmentation regulation (performed by the patient, using home care products under the supervision of a specialist);
  • Repigmentation control (under the supervision of a specialist).

To achieve the desired results, all stages of therapy must be completed, although the first results will be noticeable within the first few weeks of therapy. It is important to follow the home skin care schedule to achieve depigmentation goals not only in the short term but also in the long term. During the treatment course, depending on the client's skin condition, the specialist may offer additional procedures to help rehabilitate and restore the skin, such as deep moisturizing procedures.

Cosmelan® Dual Action: The Cosmelan® treatment course not only provides effective hyperpigmentation prevention but also has an intense anti-age effect – significantly improving skin quality and condition, making it smooth, radiant, and toned.

Effectiveness of Combined Procedures: Cosmelan® procedures are also recommended to be combined with laser therapy for hyperpigmentation prevention. It is one of the most popular procedures worldwide, considering each client's individual skin properties (sensitivity, skin structure, phototype, etc.), successfully applied by specialists at the "Health Center 4".

Contraindications: The Cosmelan® method is not recommended in the following cases:

  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  • If there is an allergy to any of the product ingredients,
  • Use of photosensitive medications, such as Isotretinoin (therapy can begin after the use of these medications),
  • Patients with acute bacterial, viral, fungal, or herpes infection in the treatment area,
  • Patients with very thin, dehydrated, or desiccated skin (after treating this problem, the specialist will offer a modified or adapted treatment to reduce hyperpigmentation),
  • During aesthetic medical procedures (laser, mesotherapy, etc.).

Important Considerations: Like all procedures, Cosmelan® can have predictable side effects:

  • Swelling and erythema may appear after the procedure – this is transient and normal,
  • Skin flaking may occur 2-3 days after the procedure and last several days while the skin is renewing,
  • An irritating, burning sensation may occur depending on skin sensitivity both during intense treatment in the clinic and during the home therapy period,
  • A tightening sensation. Treatment with Cosmelan® is associated with structural changes in the skin, so a tightening sensation is common but transient.

During the treatment course, consultations/additional procedures are prescribed for therapy control and ensuring long-term effectiveness.

Attention! Cosmelan® procedures should not be performed more frequently than once a year. The price for the six-month course of Cosmelan® procedures: 450 - 500 EUR.

Also, learn about Dermamelan® procedures, which have a higher concentration of active ingredients for hyperpigmentation treatment (the therapy lasts four months).

As the treatment course significantly improves skin quality, clients often choose to repeat Cosmelan® and Dermamelan® courses.

Information: The medicinal cosmetics manufacturer "Mesoestetic" (Spain) has developed an innovative formula for Cosmelan® and Dermamelan® methods, based on scientific research, its long experience in this field, and the latest possibilities offered by artificial intelligence in data and information processing. In developing these methods, "Mesoestetic" has introduced two new patents, Melaphenone and [SYN]pigment target, which allow regulating and correcting the appearance and recurrence of pigmentation in the long term.

About Pigmentation: Melanin, the pigment that colors our skin and also forms pigmented spots on our skin, is produced by melanocyte cells. If their activity is activated by hormones and other aggressive conditions, the cells start to produce this pigment uncontrollably and excessively. This leads to the formation of melanin accumulations in various places, developing hyperpigmentation.

Pigmentation disorders are usually associated with intracellular processes (developing in melanocytes) and extracellular processes (related to surrounding cells – keratinocytes, which also ensure the transport of the melanin pigment), therefore, treatment requires a complex approach.

Moreover, the hyperpigmentation process is also associated with inflammation and vascular reactions, making treatment complicated. And, as mentioned, it is related to the hormonal background. To prevent and treat hyperpigmentation (epidermal, dermal, and combined) comprehensively, "Mesoestetic" has created the Cosmelan® and Dermamelan® methods. These are in-depth, intensive, specific depigmenting treatments under specialist supervision.

These procedures serve not only for the medicinal prevention of hyperpigmentation but also correct it at the cellular level. Thus, hyperpigmentation is treated comprehensively – controlling various mechanisms of pigmentation, reducing melanin synthesis without destroying the cell functions themselves.

Important! The document lacks a table on the process of pigmentation formation and Cosmelan®'s effect.

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