mct injector
mct injector

mct injector

Tavahind €4.600,50
Ühiku hind
Sisaldab maksu. Saatekulu arvutatakse kassas.

Üle 30 € saatmine tasuta

Tasuta tagastus ja vahetus

Turvaline makse

    • “Little, rarely and in the right place”. Dr. Michel Pistor

      Mesotherapy is a medical treatment that involves the intradermal administration of active substances through multiple micro-injections for correcting aesthetic concerns (skin aging, wrinkles, stretch marks, cellulite, alopecia, among others) or as an additional treatment for painful conditions (rheumatic disease, sports medicine, etc.).

      Its effectiveness is based on three main concepts:

      • Physical stimulation produced by the needle (mechanical stimulus).
      • Pharmacological effect produced by the solution or a specific blend of active substances.
      • Micro-doses of the solution which activate a greater number of the receptors in the skin.
      • It is a non-obtrusive procedure requiring no preparation time with the advantage that patients can immediately resume their daily activities.

      Application technique

      MCT Stats Image

      Several mesotherapy techniques

      mct injector incorporates 3 programs for the administration of active substances through different injection techniques used in traditional mesotherapy


      For burst, intradermal nappage or point by point injections. mct injector automatically adjusts the depth and speed of the needle in order to perform steady and precise movements.


      Program specially designed for point by point injections or to perform intradermal papules. With this program, professionals can freely adjust the depth (from 1 to 13 mm) and the dose (from 0.01 ml and up)


      Injection program enabling the placement of implants or fillers. It also enables tracer mesotherapy to be carried out, regulating the volume injected, the speed of retrograde injection and the injection depth.

    “Little, rarely and in the right place”. Dr. Michel Pistor

    Mesotherapy is a medical treatment that involves the intradermal administration of active substances through multiple micro-injections for correcting aesthetic concerns (skin aging, wrinkles, stretch marks, cellulite, alopecia, among others) or as an additional treatment for painful conditions (rheumatic disease, sports medicine, etc.).

    Its effectiveness is based on three main concepts:

    • Physical stimulation produced by the needle (mechanical stimulus).
    • Pharmacological effect produced by the solution or a specific blend of active substances.
    • Micro-doses of the solution which activate a greater number of the receptors in the skin.
    • It is a non-obtrusive procedure requiring no preparation time with the advantage that patients can immediately resume their daily activities.

    Application technique

    MCT Stats Image

    Several mesotherapy techniques

    mct injector incorporates 3 programs for the administration of active substances through different injection techniques used in traditional mesotherapy


    For burst, intradermal nappage or point by point injections. mct injector automatically adjusts the depth and speed of the needle in order to perform steady and precise movements.


    Program specially designed for point by point injections or to perform intradermal papules. With this program, professionals can freely adjust the depth (from 1 to 13 mm) and the dose (from 0.01 ml and up)


    Injection program enabling the placement of implants or fillers. It also enables tracer mesotherapy to be carried out, regulating the volume injected, the speed of retrograde injection and the injection depth.

    mct pihusti


    Ühes seadmes ühendab mct-injektor kaks teineteist täiendavat tehnikat: meso- ja karboksüteraapia. Tänu kahe tehnika kombineerimisele samal või järjestikustel seanssidel on spetsialistil tööriist mitme näo- ja kehahooldusprotseduuri tegemiseks.

    Arsti jaoks võimalikult mugav


    Kahepoolne, kerge ja ergonoomiline disain. Kõik tarvikud on kaasaskantavad (sh CO2 padrunid).


    Tänu puuterattale ja kõrglahutusega värviekraanile saab hooldusi käivitada mõne sekundiga.


    Hoolduspiirkonna suundvalgustus.


    Töötab võrdselt akuga (Li-ion) või ühendatuna toiteallikaga (90V - 240V).


    Ühildub igasuguste nõelte ja süstaldega. Vaja ei ole spetsiaalset komplekti.


    CE-märgistusega tervishoiutoode.


    kahe tõestatult tõhusa tehnika kombinatsioon.

    Mitmed keha- ja näohooldused.

    Intuitiivne, mitmekülgne ja täpne tehnoloogia.

    Samaaegne mikromassaaž või hilisemad süstid toimeainete difusiooni parandamiseks.

    Valutu ja ohutu ravi.

    mesoteraapia + karboksüteraapia = mesokarboksüteraapia

    Tänu kahe tehnika kombineerimisele samal või järjestikustel seanssidel on spetsialistil tööriist mitme näo- ja kehahooldusprotseduuri tegemiseks.


    mesoestetic® transepidermaalne koostis on kõige laiem valik transepidermaalseid lahendusi kombineeritavate, ohutute ja tõhusate kosmeetiliste protseduuride läbiviimiseks. Need on spetsiifiliste, hoolikalt valitud toimeainetega preparaadid esteetiliste näo-, keha- ja juusteprobleemide raviks.